GuildHE has today responded to the call for views being conducted as part of Dame Shirley Peace’s independent review of the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).
GuildHE welcomes this review, which provides a useful opportunity to take stock.
The main points of GuildHE’s response are:
- Subject TEF is too burdensome relative to its value;
- Student choice is too complex for TEF to be impactful – if TEF continues it should focus on enhancement;
- Gold, Silver & Bronze ratings do not sound right;
- Current employment/outcomes metrics are insufficiently meaningful. As an alternative, we point to Graduate Outcomes, which tracks views of the impact of HE on graduates’ careers/lives;
- TEF should involve more student engagement – we reiterate our call for a short student submission within or alongside institutional submissions;
- Student disability should be better benchmarked within data.
You can read the full response here.