HEFCE is hosting a free two-hour event at its London office to introduce higher education providers to the Social Enterprise Mark.
The event will take place on Friday 1 July at 12 – 2pm.
Social Enterprise Mark CIC and representatives from universities which have been awarded the Social Enterprise Mark/Gold Mark will be on hand to provide more information about the accreditation, including how to apply.
You can read Cara Aitchison, Vice-Chancellor of the of the University of St Mark and St John‘s recent blog post on the benefits of being accredited here: http://www.guildhe.ac.uk/blog/the-social-enterprise-mark/
To learn more about the Social Enterprise Mark and the benefits to universities of being recognised as a guaranteed social enterprise, watch the short film at: https://youtu.be/AJeh_2zL3Bw which features the four universities that have already been awarded the accreditation.
Register for the event
To register for the event go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-introduction- to-the-social-enterprise- mark-tickets- 25926646297
Places are limited so please register to ensure you have a place.
If you have any questions please email socialenterprise@hefce.ac.uk