Today (09 August 2017), HEFCE published the results of the 2017 National Student Survey (NSS). GuildHE member institutions’ results broadly matched sector-wide performance in the survey. Due to changes in the survey design, it is no longer statistically robust to make time series comparisons with past iterations of the survey.
Responding to the publication results, Gordon McKenzie, GuildHE CEO said:
“We welcome the release of the NSS results – the views of students are an essential part of shaping a high quality teaching experience. We know from other data that students think specialist institutions provide good value for money, more contact hours and are more positive about the teaching and feedback they receive.[1] Smaller and specialist institutions like those in in GuildHE can offer a more human, student focused experience, often with staff who are current practitioners or industry experts as well as great teachers.”
[1] HEPI/HEA Student Academic Experience Survey 2017,